Life Hack of all life hacks

Ure Ukefi
1 min readFeb 20, 2021


Arguably, you can never hack your way out of life.
No one really has a life manual or a life hack for all life’s issues.
No one.

Life never prepares us for contingencies.
Not Heartbreak, grief, and difficulties.
Not one thing.
You could read a book on all life’s issues and still remain surprised when faced with a new difficulty. All my life, I know that when life throws you a curveball, it takes all you have inside of you, self-awareness and God, for you to get back on track.

Experience may teach us a few things, but it doesn't change the fact that it's never the same experience when dealing with grief. Never.
You could lose a spouse today and grief for a year and then lose a parent and mourn for the rest of your life.
That doesn't mean you didn't love your spouse enough or you were overly attached to your family.

I just think that having an encounter with a contingency sometimes reminds you of life's realities and possibilities. It may somehow toughen you up or help brace you for more difficulties you may face in the future.

Again life never prepares you for difficulties.
You just have to depend on God and yourself for the rest of the way, and if you are lucky to find "family" willing to share in handling any curveballs, then you are blessed.

Until next time.




Ure Ukefi

Sometimes it's the simple things - love, food, quiet, thoughtful gifts, family, good friends, God.